
လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝိၵ်ႇသျိၼ်ႇၼရီႇ မႃး
တီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ၼၼ်ႉ ဢၼ်ပဵၼ်ၸိုဝ်ႈဢၼ်ၼႆႉ မီးဝႆႉ ပွင်ႈၵႂၢမ်း ႁူဝ်ၼိုင်ႈ ယဝ်ႉ။

ၸိူဝ်းၼႆႉၼႆႉ ပဵၼ်မၢႆမီႈ ဢၼ်ၵဵဝ်ႇလူၺ်ႈ လွင်ႈပိၼ်ႇၽႃႇသႃႇသဵင် ၼင်ႇ တူဝ်လိၵ်ႈ သၢၼ်းသၶရိတ်ႉ ယဝ်ႉ။


Wiktionary uses two transliteration systems for Devanāgarī.

  • In the mainspace, only IAST is used.
  • In some modules, SLP1 is used for convenience of encoding because of its one-to-one encoding with Devanāgarī.

See WT:About Sanskrit.

अ, प a a आ, पा ā A
इ, पि i i ई, पी ī I
उ, पु u u ऊ, पू ū U
ए, पे e e ऐ, पै ai E
ओ, पो o o औ, पौ au O
ऋ, पृ f ॠ, पॄ F
ऌ, पॢ x ॡ, पॣ X
ka ka ca ca ṭa wa ta ta pa pa
kha Ka cha Ca ṭha Wa tha Ta pha Pa
ga ga ja ja ḍa qa da da ba ba
gha Ga jha Ja ḍha Qa dha Da bha Ba
ṅa Na ña Ya ṇa Ra na na ma ma
ya ya ra ra ḷa La la la va va
ha ha śa Sa ṣa za sa sa
Other symbols
अं, पं M अँ, पँ ~
अः, पः H '
x Z f V
. . . .
IAST & SLP1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

local export = {}

-- Common regex patterns:
export.consonant_list = "kKgGNcCjJYwWqQRtTdDnpPbBmyrlLvSzsh"
export.consonant = "[" .. export.consonant_list .. "]"
export.accent = "[/\\]"
export.vowel_list = "aAiIuUfFxXeEoO"
export.vowel = "[" .. export.vowel_list .. "]"
export.vowel_with_accent = export.vowel .. export.accent .. "?"

-- Abbreviated helper functions:
local U = mw.ustring.char
local match = mw.ustring.match
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local sub = mw.ustring.sub
local lower = mw.ustring.lower
local upper = mw.ustring.upper

--[=[Detects whether a specified text ends in a given pattern.
		text (String): the text to be tested
		pattern (String): the query pattern to be tested on the end of the text.
local function ends_with(text, pattern)
	return match(text, pattern .. "$")

--[=[Detects whether a specified text begins in a given pattern.
		text (String): the text to be tested
		pattern (String): the query pattern to be tested on the beginning of the text.
local function starts_with(text, pattern)
	return match(text, "^" .. pattern)

-- Common transformation types:
--[=[ Increase a vowel one grade (guṇation). It is possible that this should
		include provisions for guṇation of sonorants into CV configurations
		(e.g. i/ī -> ya -> yā, etc.). Perhaps will need to be updated.
export.up_one_grade = {
	['a'] = 'A', ['A'] = 'A', ['a/'] = 'A/', ['A/'] = 'A/', ['a\\'] = 'A\\', ['A\\'] = 'A\\',
	['i'] = 'e', ['I'] = 'e', ['i/'] = 'e/', ['I/'] = 'e/', ['i\\'] = 'e\\', ['I\\'] = 'e\\',
	['u'] = 'o', ['U'] = 'o', ['u/'] = 'o/', ['U/'] = 'o/', ['u\\'] = 'o\\', ['U\\'] = 'o\\',
	['e'] = 'E', ['E'] = 'E', ['e/'] = 'E/', ['E/'] = 'E/', ['e\\'] = 'E\\', ['E\\'] = 'E\\',
	['o'] = 'O', ['O'] = 'O', ['o/'] = 'O/', ['O/'] = 'O/', ['o\\'] = 'O\\', ['O\\'] = 'O\\',
	['f'] = 'ar', ['F'] = 'ar', ['f/'] = 'a/r', ['F/'] = 'a/r', ['f\\'] = 'a\\r', ['F\\'] = 'a\\r',

-- Decrease vowel one grade (reverse of above)
export.shorten = {
	['a'] = 'a', ['A'] = 'a', ['a/'] = 'a/', ['A/'] = 'a/', ['a\\'] = 'a\\', ['A\\'] = 'a\\',
	['i'] = 'i', ['I'] = 'i', ['i/'] = 'i/', ['I/'] = 'i/', ['i\\'] = 'i\\', ['I\\'] = 'i\\',
	['u'] = 'u', ['U'] = 'u', ['u/'] = 'u/', ['U/'] = 'u/', ['u\\'] = 'u\\', ['U\\'] = 'u\\',
	['f'] = 'f', ['F'] = 'f', ['f/'] = 'f/', ['F/'] = 'f/', ['f\\'] = 'f\\', ['F\\'] = 'f\\',

-- Lengthen a vowel
export.lengthen = {
	['a'] = 'A', ['A'] = 'A', ['a/'] = 'A/', ['A/'] = 'A/', ['a\\'] = 'A\\', ['A\\'] = 'A\\',
	['i'] = 'I', ['I'] = 'I', ['i/'] = 'I/', ['I/'] = 'I/', ['i\\'] = 'I\\', ['I\\'] = 'I\\',
	['u'] = 'U', ['U'] = 'U', ['u/'] = 'U/', ['U/'] = 'U/', ['u\\'] = 'U\\', ['U\\'] = 'U\\',
	['f'] = 'F', ['F'] = 'F', ['f/'] = 'F/', ['F/'] = 'F/', ['f\\'] = 'F\\', ['F\\'] = 'F\\',

-- Convert a monosegmental (or at least monoliteral) diphthong into a/ā + glide.
export.split_diphthong = {
	['e'] = 'ay', ['e/'] = 'a/y', ['e\\'] = 'a\\y',
	['E'] = 'Ay', ['E/'] = 'A/y', ['E\\'] = 'A\\y',
	['o'] = 'av', ['o/'] = 'a/v', ['o\\'] = 'a\\v',
	['O'] = 'Av', ['O/'] = 'A/v', ['O\\'] = 'A\\v',

--[=[Convert a syllabic sonorant to its associated consonantal form. This map is
		presently misnamed since the the input is syllabic (not semivocalic)
		and since liquids are not semivowels at all.
export.semivowel_to_cons = {
	['i'] = 'y', ['I'] = 'y',
	['u'] = 'v', ['U'] = 'v',
	['f'] = 'r', ['F'] = 'r',
	['x'] = 'l', ['X'] = 'l',

-- Add a homorganic glide to a vowel
local insert_glide = {
	['i'] = 'iy', ['I'] = 'iy', ['i/'] = 'i/y', ['I/'] = 'i/y', ['i\\'] = 'i\\y', ['I\\'] = 'i\\y',
	['u'] = 'uv', ['U'] = 'uv', ['u/'] = 'u/v', ['U/'] = 'u/v', ['u\\'] = 'u\\v', ['U\\'] = 'u\\v',

--[=[Convert all unambiguous stops to their absolute final value. The equivalent
	values (e.g. k = k) may be redundant given the implementation of 
	absolute_final and internal_sandhi below. 
local to_final = {
	['k'] = 'k', ['K'] = 'k', ['g'] = 'k', ['G'] = 'k',
	['w'] = 'w', ['W'] = 'w', ['q'] = 'w', ['Q'] = 'w',
	['t'] = 't', ['T'] = 't', ['d'] = 't', ['D'] = 't',
	['p'] = 'p', ['P'] = 'p', ['b'] = 'p', ['B'] = 'p',
	['Y'] = 'N',

-- Convert dental to reptroflex
local dental_to_retroflex = {
	['t'] = 'w', ['T'] = 'W', ['d'] = 'q', ['Q'] = 'Q', ['n'] = 'R',

-- Remove aspiration
local deaspirate = {
	['K'] = 'k', ['G'] = 'g',
	['C'] = 'c', ['J'] = 'j',
	['W'] = 'w', ['Q'] = 'q',
	['T'] = 't', ['D'] = 'd',
	['P'] = 'p', ['B'] = 'b',
	['h'] = 'g',

--[=[Detects whether a word is monosyllabic. This function does not apply sandhi
		to determing whether a potential phonemic form like /dā́rv/ would be
		syllabified to [dā́ru]. This might need to be changed.
		text (String): the text to be checked for monosyllabicity
function export.is_monosyllabic(text)
	return match(text, "^" .. export.consonant .. "*" .. export.vowel .. export.accent .. "?" .. export.consonant .. "*$")

--[=[Transforms a word to its absolute final sandhi form.
		text (String): the text to be converted to final sandhi position
		ambig_hint (String): an indication of what outcome a palatal should have as
			final palatals will unpredictably produce either a retroflex or a velar
			stop in final position (e.g. spáś- > spáṭ 'spy' vs. náś- > nák 'night').
			Required for palatal-final strings.
local function absolute_final(text, ambig_hint)
	if ends_with(text, export.consonant .. export.consonant) then -- at least 2 consonants
		-- Take the first of the cluster.
		text = gsub(text, "(" .. export.consonant .. "+)$",
			function(cluster) return sub(cluster, 1, 1) end)
	-- ḷ, v, and y are not handled as they should not appear finally. Perhaps wrong.
	if ends_with(text, "[kwtpNRnmlaAiIuUeEoOfFxXH][/\\]?") then
		-- do nothing
	elseif ends_with(text, "M") then -- just in case, ṃ > m
		text = gsub(text, ".$", "m")
	elseif ends_with(text, "[sr]") then -- convert to final visarga
		text = gsub(text, ".$", "H")
	elseif ends_with(text, "[KgGWqQTdDPbBY]") then -- Handle final stops.
		text = gsub(text, ".$", to_final)
	elseif ends_with(text, "[cCjJhSz]") then -- Handle final palatals.
		text = gsub(text, ".$", ambig_hint)
	return text

--[=[Applying retroflexion to a stem and ending without joining them.
		This include RUKI, ṣ-cluster harmony, and nasal retroflexions.
		stem (String): the stem to receive an ending
		ending (String): the ending to be affixed
		String (stem), String (ending)
function export.retroflexion(stem, ending)
	-- Does the stem end in a RUKI environment?
	if ends_with(stem, "[iIeEfFxuUoOrk][/\\]?[HM]?") then
		ending = gsub(ending, "^s([^rfF])", "z%1")			-- Convert ending-initial s > ṣ not followed by [rṛṝ].
		ending = gsub(ending, "^z[tTdDn]*", function(dentals) return gsub(dentals, ".", dental_to_retroflex) end)
	-- Does the stem end in a RUKI environment followed by s and the ending not start with [rṛṝ]?
	if ends_with(stem, "[iIeEfFxuUoOrk][/\\]?[HM]?s") and starts_with(ending, "[^rfF]") then
		stem = gsub(stem, "s$", "z")						-- Convert stem-final s > ṣ
	if ends_with(stem, "z") then	-- Does the stem end in ṣ?
		-- Convert an ending-initial dental (cluster) to retroflex
		ending = gsub(ending, "^[tTdDn]*", function(dentals) return gsub(dentals, ".", dental_to_retroflex) end)
	-- Does the stem contain a nasal harmony trigger without intervening blockers?
	if ends_with(stem, "[zrfF][^cCjJYwWqQRtTdDnSsl]*") then
		ending = gsub(ending, -- Convert all retroflexable n > ṇ in the ending
			function(pre, post)		-- Does this need to be a function? Why not "%1R%2"? Does it make a difference in speed?
				return pre .. "R" .. post
	-- Does the stem contain a nasal harmony trigger without intervening blockers and stem-final n?
	if ends_with(stem, "[zrfF][^cCjJYwWqQRtTdDnSsl]*n") and starts_with(ending, "[aAiIeEfFxuUoOynmv]") then
		stem = gsub(stem, "n$", "R")	-- Convert stem-final n > ṇ
	-- For safety, does the ending contain a unblocked nasal harmony trigger and un retroflexed n?
	ending = gsub(ending,
		function(pre, post)
			return pre .. "R" .. post		-- Again, Why not "%1R%2"?
	return stem, ending

--[=[Combine a stem and ending while modfiying the accentuation. This does not currently
		account for mobility of accent between the stem and ending.
		stem (String): the stem to receive an ending
		ending (String): the ending to be affixed
		has_accent (Boolean): whether the word has an accent to be modified at all
		accent_override (Boolean): whether to strip the stem of accent
		mono (Boolean): whether the stem is monosyllabic AND susceptible to 
			accentual mobility (cf. pā́dam ~ padā́ vs. gā́m ~ gávā). This should
			perhaps be renamed or removed as redundant to accent_override in this
			function. This should not be applied to *all* monosyllabic nouns!
		recessive (Boolean): whether the accent must be moved to the leftmost vowel (e.g. in the vocative)
local function combine_accent(stem, ending, has_accent, accent_override, mono, recessive)
	if has_accent then
		if recessive then
			local combined = stem .. ending				 -- combine word
			combined = gsub(combined, export.accent, "") -- remove any accent
			combined = gsub(combined, "^([^" .. export.vowel_list .. "]-)(" .. export.vowel .. ")", "%1%2/") -- accent first vowel of combined form
			return combined
		elseif accent_override then
			stem = gsub(stem, export.accent, "")		-- remove all accents from stem
		elseif mono and match(ending, export.accent) then
			stem = gsub(stem, export.accent, "")		-- remove all accents from stem
		-- If both the stem and ending are accented, remove the ending accent. This may be too simple.
		elseif match(stem, export.accent) and match(ending, export.accent) then
			ending = gsub(ending, export.accent, "")
	return stem .. ending

--[=[Return a word-stem combined with a given ending while handling internal
		sandhi and accentuation. Please see the implementation for details.
		input_table (Table): This table is expected to contain the items:
			stem (String): the stem to receive an ending
			ending (String): the ending to be affixed
			has_accent (Boolean): whether the word has an accent to be modified
			mono (Boolean): whether the stem is monosyllabic OR behaves like a monosyllable (e.g. root noun compounds)
			accent_override (Boolean): whether to strip the stem of accent since
				some non-monosyllabic forms (e.g. present participles and gen.pl.)
				may show stem-to-ending accentual mobility.
			recessive (Boolean): whether the accent must be moved to the leftmost vowel (e.g. in the vocative)
			j_to_z (Boolean): whether to convert j > ṣ before {t, th} instead of j > k
			non_final (Boolean): if true, will not apply word-final sandhi (i.e. convert s to visarga)
			ignore_s_allophones (Boolean): whether to ignore r and s allophony in the stem before the ending
function export.internal_sandhi(input_table)
	local stem, ending = input_table.stem, input_table.ending
	local last		-- last segment of the stem
	local acc		-- the accent					
	local first		-- the first segment of the ending
	local combined	-- the combined form
	-- explicitly ignored are CV, C + semivowel, or C + nasal
	if ending == "" then
		return absolute_final(stem, input_table.ambig_hint)
	-- all cases of ending starts with vowel
	elseif starts_with(ending, export.vowel) then
		if ends_with(stem, export.vowel_with_accent) then -- stem ends with vowel
			-- strip last vowel and accent off stem
			stem, last, acc = match(stem, "^(.*)(" .. export.vowel .. ")(" .. export.accent .. "?)$")
			-- strip first vowel off ending
			first, ending = match(ending, "^(.)(.*)$")
			if match(last, '[iIuU]') and input_table.mono then	-- monosyllabic semivowel-final stems (this applies to root noun compounds as well)
				stem = stem .. insert_glide[last .. acc]
				ending = first .. ending
			elseif lower(last) == lower(first) then				-- homorganic vowels (FIXME: what happens if e- + -e, o- + -o, E- + -E, O- + -O?)
				ending = upper(first) .. acc .. ending
			elseif lower(last) == "a" then						-- gunation and vrddhization after stem-final a.
				ending = export.up_one_grade[first .. acc] .. ending
			elseif export.semivowel_to_cons[last] then			-- Can the stem-final vowel be made consonantal?
				stem = stem .. export.semivowel_to_cons[last]	
				ending = first .. (acc == "/" and "\\" or "") .. ending		-- Convert stem-final uditta to ending-initial svarita
			elseif export.split_diphthong[last] then			-- Can a stem-final guna and vrddhi be split into V + sonorant?
				stem = stem .. export.split_diphthong[last .. acc]
				ending = first .. ending
		-- all consonant-final stems left unchanged
	-- {i, u} > {ī, ū} /__[rv]C if stem is monosyllabic (is monosyllabic constraint necessary)
	elseif ends_with(stem, "[iu][/\\]?[rv]") and input_table.mono then
		-- lengthen high vowel before [rv]].
		stem = gsub(stem, "([iu][/\\]?)([rv])$", function(vow, sonorant) return export.lengthen[vow] .. sonorant end)
	-- n > ñ /__{c, j}
	elseif ends_with(stem, "[cj]") and starts_with(ending, "n") then
		ending = gsub(ending, "^.", "Y")
	-- ś > k /__s (RUKI applied later)
	elseif ends_with(stem, "S") and starts_with(ending, "s") then
		stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "k")
	-- s > t /__s if stem is monosyllabic
	elseif ends_with(stem, "s") and starts_with(ending, "s") and input_table.mono then
		stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "t")
	-- bh > d /__s if stem is monosyllabic (FIXME: probably only be in (some) nominals)
	elseif ends_with(stem, "s") and starts_with(ending, "B") and input_table.mono then
		stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "d")
	-- j > ṣ /__{t, th} in certain words (FIXME: does this get handled correctly if j_to_z is false?)
	elseif ends_with(stem, "j") and starts_with(ending, "[tT]") and input_table.j_to_z then
		stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "z")
	-- {a, i, u}h + {t, th, d, dh} > {ā, ī, ū}ḍh (Bartholomae's Law with retroflection and compensatory lengthening)
	elseif ends_with(stem, "h") and starts_with(ending, "[tTdD]") then
		stem = gsub(stem, "([aiu]?)([/\\]?)h$", function(vow, acc) return (export.lengthen[vow] or "") .. acc end)
		ending = gsub(ending, "[tTdD]", "Q")
	elseif ends_with(stem, "h") and starts_with(ending, "s") then
		stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "k")
		ending = gsub(ending, "^.", "z")
	-- Bartholomae's Law
	elseif ends_with(stem, "[GJQDBh]") and starts_with(ending, "[tT]") then
		stem = gsub(stem, ".$", deaspirate)
		ending = gsub(ending, "^.", "D")
	-- Allo other C- + -C interactions 
	elseif ends_with(stem, export.consonant) and starts_with(ending, export.consonant) then
		if input_table.final then -- (FIXME: I don't recall what this parameter is for. When would this be called?)
			if ends_with(stem, export.consonant .. export.consonant) then -- at least 2 consonants
				-- take the first of the cluster
				stem = gsub(stem, "(" .. export.consonant .. "+)$",
					function(cluster) return sub(cluster, 1, 1) end)
			if ends_with(stem, "[KgGWqQTdDPbB]") then
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", to_final)
			elseif ends_with(stem, "[cCjJhSz]") then
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", input_table.ambig_hint)
		if ends_with(stem, "[cCjJ]") and starts_with(ending, "[tTdDs]") then
			if ends_with(stem, "Y[cCjJ]") then
				stem = gsub(stem, "..$", 'Nk')
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", 'k')
		if ends_with(stem, "[kwp]") then	-- if stem ends in {k, ṭ, p}
			if starts_with(ending, "[gGjJqQdDbB]") then -- {k, ṭ, p} > {g, ḍ, b} before following voiced stop
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", {['k'] = 'g', ['w'] = 'q', ['p'] = 'b'})
			elseif starts_with(ending, "h") then		-- {k, ṭ, p}h > {ggh, ḍḍh, bbh}
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", {['k'] = 'g', ['w'] = 'q', ['p'] = 'b'})
				ending = gsub(ending, "^.", gsub(stem, ".$", {['k'] = 'G', ['w'] = 'Q', ['p'] = 'B'}))
		elseif ends_with(stem, "[gqb]") then	-- if stem ends in {g, ḍ, b}
			if starts_with(ending, "[kKcCwWtTpP]") then -- {g, ḍ, b} > {k, ṭ, p} before following unvoiced stop
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", {['g'] = 'k', ['q'] = 'w', ['b'] = 'p'})
		elseif ends_with(stem, "t") then	-- if stem ends in t
			if starts_with(ending, "[cCjJwWqQ]") then	-- homorganic with following stop
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", gsub(ending, "^.",
						['c'] = 'c', ['C'] = 'c', ['j'] = 'j', ['J'] = 'J',
						['w'] = 'w', ['W'] = 'w', ['q'] = 'q', ['Q'] = 'q',
			elseif starts_with(ending, "S") then		-- tś > cch
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "c")
				ending = gsub(ending, "^.", "C")
			elseif starts_with(ending, "[gGdDbB]") then	-- t > d /__{g(h), d(h), b(h)} 
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "d")
			elseif starts_with(ending, "[nm]") then		-- t > n /__{n, m}
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "n")
			elseif starts_with(ending, "h") then		-- t + h > ddh
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "d")
				ending = gsub(ending, "^.", "D")
		elseif ends_with(stem, "m") then	-- if stem ends in m
			if starts_with(ending, "[hSzs]") then		-- m > ṃ /__{h, ś, ṣ, s}
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "M")
			elseif starts_with(ending, "[^yrln]") then	-- m > n before any other consonant beside {y, r, l, n} (FIXME: Is this true? Should this feed into the next conditional?)
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "n")
		elseif ends_with(stem, "n") then	-- if stem ends in n
			if starts_with(ending, "[hSzs]") then		-- n > ṃ /__{h, ś, ṣ, s}
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "M")
			elseif starts_with(ending, "[kKgGcCjJwWqQpPbBl]") then	-- make homorganic
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$",
						['k'] = 'N', ['K'] = 'N', ['g'] = 'N', ['G'] = 'N',
						['c'] = 'Y', ['C'] = 'Y', ['j'] = 'Y', ['J'] = 'Y',
						['w'] = 'R', ['W'] = 'R', ['q'] = 'R', ['Q'] = 'R',
						['p'] = 'm', ['P'] = 'm', ['b'] = 'm', ['B'] = 'm',
						['l'] = 'M', -- or 'l~'
		-- Loss of {z, ẓ} with compensatory lengthening before voiced consonant. (FIXME: but what about the médha- < *mázdha- type?)
		elseif ends_with(stem, "[aA][/\\]?[sHr]") and starts_with(ending, "[rgGdDbByvjJqQlLhnm]") and (not input_table.ignore_s_allophones) then
			stem = gsub(stem, "([aA])([/\\]?)[sHr]$",
				function(vow, acc) return (vow == "a" and "o" or "A") .. acc end)
		-- final s-allophones
		elseif ends_with(stem, "[sHr]") and (not input_table.ignore_s_allophones) then
			if starts_with(ending, "[kKpPzsS]") then		-- visarga
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "H")
			elseif starts_with(ending, "[cCwWtT]") then		-- homorganic fricative
				local homorg_s = {
						['c'] = 'S', ['C'] = 'S',
						['w'] = 'z', ['W'] = 'Z',
						['t'] = 's', ['T'] = 's'
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", homorg_s[sub(ending, 1, 1)])
			elseif starts_with(ending, "r") then					-- Loss of z before r with compensatory lengthening before voiced consonant. (FIXME: Redundant/correct?)
				stem = gsub(stem, "(" .. export.vowel .. "[/\\])[sHr]$", function(vow) return export.lengthen[vow] or vow end)
			elseif starts_with(ending, "[gGjJqQdDbByvlLhnm]") then	-- s-allophones > r (FIXME: Redundant/correct?)
				stem = gsub(stem, ".$", "r")
		elseif ends_with(stem, export.consonant .. "r") then -- Final Cr > Cṛ if the ending begins with a consonant
			stem = gsub(stem, "r$", "f")
	stem, ending = export.retroflexion(stem, ending)
	combined = combine_accent(stem, ending, input_table.has_accent, input_table.accent_override, input_table.mono, input_table.recessive)
	if input_table.non_final then return combined end
	return absolute_final(combined, input_table.ambig_hint)

return export