
လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝိၵ်ႇသျိၼ်ႇၼရီႇ မႃး

This module provides labels to the templates {{alter}}/{{alt}}, {{descendant}}/{{desc}} as well as the templates derived from Module:nyms ({{synonyms}}/{{syn}} etc.).


Additions take this form. Remove < > and the stuff between them and replace with the label you would like to use, the form you would like it to display as, and the Wikipedia entry (if any) that the label should link to. If you do not want to link to a Wikipedia article, simply remove the link line altogether.

labels['<label>'] = {
	display = '<link text>',
	link = '<Wikipedia article>',

Blank form:

labels[''] = {
	display = '',
	link = '',

For alternative forms of the labels, use the following code:

aliases['<alternative form>'] = '<label with data table>'

aliases[''] = ''

Script error: The function "categorize" does not exist.

local labels, aliases = {}, {}

labels['aio'] = {
	link = 'Aeolic Greek',
	display = 'Aeolic',
aliases['Aeolic'] = 'aio'

labels['apocopic'] = {
	link = 'Apocope',
	display = 'apocopic'

labels['ara'] = {
	link = 'Arcadocypriot Greek#Arcadian',
	display = 'Arcadian',
aliases['Arcadian'] = 'ara'

labels['arg'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek#Argolic',
	display = 'Argolic',
aliases['Argolic'] = 'arg'

labels['ark'] = {
	link = 'Arcadocypriot Greek',
	display = 'Arcadocypriot',
aliases['Arcadocypriot'] = 'ark'

labels['att'] = {
	link = 'Attic Greek',
	display = 'Attic',
aliases['Attic'] = 'att'

labels['ato'] = {
	link = 'Attic Greek',
	display = 'Old Attic',
aliases['Old Attic'] = 'ato'

labels['boi'] = {
	link = 'Aeolic Greek',
	display = 'Boeotian',
aliases['Boeotian'] = 'boi'

labels['buc'] = {
	link = 'Theocritus',
	display = 'Bucolic Doric',
aliases['Bucolic Doric'] = 'buc'

labels['cho'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek',
	display = 'Choral Doric',
aliases['Choral Doric'] = 'cho'

labels['contracted'] = {
	display = '[[Appendix:Ancient Greek contraction|contracted]]',
aliases['contraction'] = 'contracted'

labels['del'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek#Northwest Greek',
	display = 'Delphic',
aliases['Delphic'] = 'del'

labels['dor'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek',
	display = 'Doric',
aliases['Doric'] = 'dor'

labels['ele'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek#Northwest Greek',
	display = 'Elean',
aliases['Elean'] = 'ele'

labels['epd'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek',
	display = 'Epidaurian',
aliases['Epidaurian'] = 'epd'

labels['epi'] = {
	link = 'Homeric Greek',
	display = 'Epic',
aliases['Epic'] = 'epi'

labels['eub'] = {
	link = 'Ionic Greek',
	display = 'Euboean',
aliases['Euboean'] = 'eub'

labels['gkm'] = {
	link = 'Medieval Greek',
	display = 'Byzantine',
aliases['Byzantine'] = 'gkm'
aliases['Medieval'] = 'gkm'

labels['her'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek',
	display = 'Heraclean',
aliases['Heraclean'] = 'her'

labels['hom'] = {
	link = 'Homeric Greek',
	display = 'Homeric',
aliases['Homeric'] = 'hom'

labels['ion'] = {
	link = 'Ionic Greek',
	display = 'Ionic',
aliases['Ionic'] = 'ion'

labels['koa'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek',
	display = 'Coan',
aliases['Coan'] = 'koa'

labels['koi'] = {
	link = 'Koine Greek',
	display = 'Koine',
aliases['Koine'] = 'koi'

labels['kor'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek',
	display = 'Corcyraean',
aliases['Corcyraean'] = 'kor'

labels['kre'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek#Cretan',
	display = 'Cretan',
aliases['Cretan'] = 'kre'

labels['krn'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek#Corinthian',
	display = 'Corinthian',
aliases['Corinthian'] = 'krn'

labels['kyp'] = {
	link = 'Arcadocypriot Greek#Cypriotic',
	display = 'Cypriot',
aliases['Cypriot'] = 'kyp'

labels['lak'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek#Laconian',
	display = 'Laconian',
aliases['Laconian'] = 'lak'

labels['lat'] = {
	link = 'Greek literature#Hellenistic',
	display = 'Later poetic',
aliases['Later poetic'] = 'lat'

labels['les'] = {
	link = 'Aeolic Greek',
	display = 'Lesbian',
aliases['Lesbian'] = 'les'

labels['lok'] = {
	link = 'Locrian Greek',
	display = 'Locrian',
aliases['Locrian'] = 'lok'

labels['lyr'] = {
	display = 'Lyric',
aliases['lur'] = 'lyr'
aliases['Lyric'] = 'lyr'

labels['meg'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek',
	display = 'Megarian',
aliases['Megarian'] = 'meg'

labels['movable nu'] = {
	display = 'with [[w:Movable nu|movable nu]]',
aliases['with movable nu'] = 'movable nu'

labels['myk'] = {
	link = 'Mycenaean Greek language',
	display = 'Mycenaean',
aliases['muk'] = 'myk'
aliases['Mycenaean'] = 'myk'

labels['pam'] = {
	link = 'Pamphylian Greek',
	display = 'Pamphylian',
aliases['Pamphylian'] = 'pam'

labels['pho'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek#Northwest Greek',
	display = 'Phocian',
aliases['Phocian'] = 'pho'

labels['poi'] = {
	display = 'Poetic',
aliases['Poetic'] = 'poi'

labels['rho'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek',
	display = 'Rhodian',
aliases['Rhodian'] = 'rho'

labels['the'] = {
	link = 'Aeolic Greek',
	display = 'Thessalian',
aliases['Thessalian'] = 'the'

labels['thr'] = {
	link = 'Doric Greek',
	display = 'Theran',
aliases['Theran'] = 'thr'

labels['tra'] = {
aliases['tra'] = 'Tragic'

return {
	labels = labels,
	aliases = aliases,