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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝိၵ်ႇသျိၼ်ႇၼရီႇ မႃး
ၽိုၼ်လိၵ်ႈၵူႈမိုဝ်း တွၼ်ႈတႃႇထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ:category[မႄးထတ်း]
တီႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈၼႆႉ ၶဝ်ႈပႃးဝႆႉ ၶေႃႈမုၼ်း လၢႆးၸႂ်ႉတိုဝ်းပိူင်ထၢၼ်ႈလွင်ႈၵွင်ႉသိုပ်ႇ interwiki လႄႈ ၸိူဝ်းပဵၼ် လွင်ႈၼႄပၼ် ထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ ၼၼ်ႉယဝ်ႉ။

This template imitates the format of a wikilink to a category.

It is formatted as usual in MediaWiki, surrounded by [[double-brackets]] and including the text "Category:".



This template may be added anywhere outside of the main (dictionary) namespace to display a category link.



This template uses one unnamed (positional) parameter.

  • |1= (required) The category name to be shown.


  • Lua error in မေႃႇၵျူး:template_parser at line 1031: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got table). returns:
    [[ပိူင်ထၢၼ်ႈ:English nouns]]
  • Lua error in မေႃႇၵျူး:template_parser at line 1031: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got table). returns:
    [[ပိူင်ထၢၼ်ႈ:Portuguese appendices]]
  • Lua error in မေႃႇၵျူး:template_parser at line 1031: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got table). returns:


  • {{temp}} / {{tl}} — templates for a template link