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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝိၵ်ႇသျိၼ်ႇၼရီႇ မႃး
ၽိုၼ်လိၵ်ႈၵူႈမိုဝ်း တွၼ်ႈတႃႇထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ:IPA[မႄးထတ်း]
တီႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈၼႆႉ ၶဝ်ႈပႃးဝႆႉ ၶေႃႈမုၼ်း လၢႆးၸႂ်ႉတိုဝ်းပိူင်ထၢၼ်ႈလွင်ႈၵွင်ႉသိုပ်ႇ interwiki လႄႈ ၸိူဝ်းပဵၼ် လွင်ႈၼႄပၼ် ထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ ၼၼ်ႉယဝ်ႉ။

This template adds the proper formatting and links to a pronunciation transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet. It applies proper formatting and adds links to the language's IPA key using Module:IPA/templates. It should be used in pronunciation sections only. If the language has a template that automatically generates pronunciation from spelling, that template should be used instead of this one.

By default, the module counts the syllables in every phonemic transcription of a language that has diphthongs listed in Module:syllables, and a category is added based on the count, such as English 1-syllable words. To turn off syllable counting, add the parameter |nocount=1.

The module also tracks various IPA and some non-IPA symbols in particular languages' transcriptions (see Module:IPA/tracking). It gives a preview-only message in red if any symbols are invalid, based on the list in Module:IPA/data/symbols, and offers suggestions to correct some common substitutions.


The language code (see Wiktionary:List of languages) for the current language section. The parameter |lang= is a deprecated synonym; please do not use. If this is used, all numbered parameters move down by one.
|2=, |3=, |4= ...
Indicates one or more pronunciations. These should be formatted in correct IPA and be surrounded by slashes / / for phonemic representations, and square brackets [ ] for phonetic representations. They will be displayed separated by commas.
Specifies a qualifier to be placed at the beginning, before the "IPA:" text that normally precedes the pronunciation(s). This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.
Specifies a qualifier to be placed at the end, after all pronunciations. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.
Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed at the beginning, before the "IPA:" text that normally precedes the pronunciation(s). These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template. To be recognized as a separator, there must be no space following the comma; otherwise, the comma is treated as an embedded comma within the accent qualifier.
Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed at the end, after all pronunciations. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template. To be recognized as a separator, there must be no space following the comma; otherwise, the comma is treated as an embedded comma within the accent qualifier.
Specifies a qualifier to be placed before pronunciation N. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template. The parameter |qualN= is a deprecated synonym; please do not use. Currently, for compatibility, |qual= is accepted as a synonym for |qual1=, but this should not be relied on as it will be changing in the future.
Specifies a qualifier to be placed after pronunciation N. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.
Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed before pronunciation N. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template. To be recognized as a separator, there must be no space following the comma; otherwise, the comma is treated as an embedded comma within the accent qualifier.
Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed after pronunciation N. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template. To be recognized as a separator, there must be no space following the comma; otherwise, the comma is treated as an embedded comma within the accent qualifier.
Specifies one or more reference notes to be placed after pronunciation N. The reference is placed in the ===References=== section at the bottom of the language's entry. See below for the format of this parameter. The parameter |nN= is a deprecated synonym; please do not use.
Turns off syllable counting.
Manual sortkey. Use sparingly; the makeSortKey method in Module:languages can usually generate the correct sortkey.

Accepted symbols


Besides the official IPA, the following extensions are accepted:

‼ ᶑ ᵻ ᵿ ͈  ¡ ʬ ʭ ˭ ↑ ↓ ꟸ ᷽

as well as the following common substitutes:

¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ 𝆏 𝆑 ⁻



The |refN= parameter is used to specify one or more references for a given pronunciation and works similarly to the <ref> tag. For example, specifying |ref={{R:it:DiPI|bendo}} is similar to placing <ref>{{R:it:DiPI|bendo}}</ref> after the call to Lua error in မေႃႇၵျူး:template_parser at line 1031: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got table)., except that it can be used to insert references directly after a given pronunciation when there are several.

To specify multiple references, separate them with  !!! (optionally with spaces around it). For example, the following:

{{IPA|it|/ˈben.do/|/ˈbɛn.do/|ref2={{R:it:DiPI|bendo}} !!! {{R:it:Olivetti}}}}

is similar to the following:


To specify the equivalent of the <ref name="NAME" group="GROUP">...</ref>, use <<name:NAME>> and/or <<group:GROUP>> directly following the reference text. For example, the following:

{{IPA|it|/ˈben.do/|/ˈbɛn.do/|ref2={{R:it:DiPI|bendo}}<<name:bendo>> !!! {{R:it:Olivetti}}}}

is similar to the following:

{{IPA|it|/ˈben.do/|/ˈbɛn.do/}}<ref name="bendo">{{R:it:DiPI|bendo}}</ref><ref>{{R:it:Olivetti}}</ref>

Similarly, the following:


is similar to the following:

{{IPA|it|/ˈben.do/|/ˈbɛn.do/}}<ref name="bendo" group="pron">{{R:it:DiPI|bendo}}</ref>

To reference a prior name, as in <ref name="bendo"/>, leave the reference text blank:


Similarly, to reference a prior name in a particular group, as in <ref name="bendo" group="pron"/>, use:


  • Lua error in မေႃႇၵျူး:template_parser at line 1031: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got table).
  • Lua error in မေႃႇၵျူး:template_parser at line 1031: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got table).


This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.

TemplateData for IPA

This template adds the proper formatting and links to a pronunciation transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet. It applies proper formatting and adds links to the language's IPA key using Module:IPA/templates. It should be used in pronunciation sections only. If the language has a template that automatically generates pronunciation from spelling, that template should be used instead of this one.

Template parameters[ၸတ်းၵၢၼ် ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ]

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.


The language code (see Wiktionary:Languages) for the current language section.

IPA 12

Indicates one or more pronunciations. These should be formatted in correct IPA and be surrounded by slashes / / for phonemic representations, and square brackets [ ] for phonetic representations.

/aɪ piː ˈeɪ/
IPA 23

Indicates one or more pronunciations. These should be formatted in correct IPA and be surrounded by slashes / / for phonemic representations, and square brackets [ ] for phonetic representations.

IPA 34

Indicates one or more pronunciations. These should be formatted in correct IPA and be surrounded by slashes / / for phonemic representations, and square brackets [ ] for phonetic representations.

overall left qualifierq

Specifies a qualifier to be placed at the very beginning. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

overall right qualifierqq

Specifies a qualifier to be placed at the very end. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

overall left accent qualifier(s)a

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed at the very beginning. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

overall right accent qualifier(s)aa

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed at the very end. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

left qualifier 1q1

Specifies a qualifier to be placed before pronunciation 1. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

left qualifier 2q2

Specifies a qualifier to be placed before pronunciation 2. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

left qualifier 3q3

Specifies a qualifier to be placed before pronunciation 3. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

right qualifier 1qq1

Specifies a qualifier to be placed after pronunciation 1. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

right qualifier 2qq2

Specifies a qualifier to be placed after pronunciation 2. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

right qualifier 3qq3

Specifies a qualifier to be placed after pronunciation 3. This is formatted with the {{q}}/{{qualifier}} template.

left accent qualifier(s) 1a1

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed before pronunciation 1. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

left accent qualifier(s) 2a2

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed before pronunciation 2. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

left accent qualifier(s) 3a3

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed before pronunciation 3. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

right accent qualifier(s) 1aa1

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed after pronunciation 1. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

right accent qualifier(s) 2aa2

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed after pronunciation 2. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

right accent qualifier(s) 3aa3

Specifies one or more comma-separated accent qualifiers to be placed after pronunciation 3. These are formatted with the {{a}}/{{accent}} template.

reference 1ref1

Specifies a reference note to be placed after pronunciation 1. The reference is placed in the ===References=== section at the bottom of the language's entry.

reference 2ref2

Specifies a reference note to be placed after pronunciation 2. The reference is placed in the ===References=== section at the bottom of the language's entry.

reference 3ref3

Specifies a reference note to be placed after pronunciation 2. The reference is placed in the ===References=== section at the bottom of the language's entry.
