သၢႆမၢႆၵူၼ်းတင်းၼမ် တင်းမူတ်း
ႁူမ်ႈၵၼ်ၼႄဝႆႉပၼ် သဵင်ႈမၢႆ ႁင်း ဝိၵ်ႇသျိၼ်ႇၼရီႇ ဢၼ်ၸၢင်ႈဢဝ်လႆႈၼၼ်ႉ။ ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ ၸၢင်ႈ လိူၵ်ႈ ပိူင်ထၢၼ်ႈသဵၼ်ႈမၢႆတွင်း၊ ၽူႈၸႂ်ႉတိုဝ်း(ၼင်ႇတူဝ်လိၵ်ႈလဵၵ်ႉယႂ်ႇ)၊ ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဢၼ်ၵပ်းၵၢႆႇ (ၼင်ႇတူဝ်လိၵ်ႈလဵၵ်ႉယႂ်ႇ) သေၵေႃႈ တူၺ်းလႆႈယူႇ။
- 11:18, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:pattern utilities (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} -- A helper function to escape magic characters in a string when interpolating a string into a Lua pattern. -- Magic characters: ^$()%.[]*+-? function export.pattern_escape(text) if type(text) == "table" then text = text.args[1] end text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "([%^$()%%.%[%]*+%-?])", "%%%1") return text end -- A helper function to escape magic characters in a string when interpolating a...")
- 11:11, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:languages/data/3/c (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local u = mw.ustring.char local m_langdata = require("Module:languages/data") local c = m_langdata.chars local p = m_langdata.puaChars local s = m_langdata.shared local m = {} m["caa"] = { "Ch'orti'", 35177, "myn", "Latn", } m["cab"] = { "Garifuna", 35490, "awd-taa", "Latn", } m["cac"] = { "Chuj", 35233, "myn", "Latn", } m["cad"] = { "Caddo", 56756, "cdd", "Latn", } m["cae"] = { "Laalaa", 35...")
- 10:56, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:parameters/data (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local shallowcopy = require("Module:table").shallowcopy local function no_equals(t) local t_no_equals = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do if type(k) == "string" then t_no_equals[k:gsub("=", "")] = v else t_no_equals[k] = v end end return t_no_equals end local alias_of_4 = {alias_of = 4} local allow_empty = {allow_empty = true} local boolean = {type = "boolean"} local boolean_default_false = {type = "bool...")
- 10:51, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:languages/data (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local u = mw.ustring.char local export = {} --[=[ Here is a list of the language fields by order of frequency according to User:Erutuon/language_stuff. If the order changes, change the order here for potentially greater efficiency. local fields = { "canonical_name", "wikidata_item", "family", "scripts", "other_names", "ancestors", "type", "translit", "entry_name", "sort_key", "override_translit",...")
- 10:47, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:te-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local consonants = { ['క']='k' , ['ఖ']='kh' , ['గ']='g' , ['ఘ']='gh' , ['ఙ']='ṅ' , ['చ']='c' , ['ఛ']='ch' , ['జ']='j' , ['ఝ']='jh' , ['ఞ']='ñ' , ['ట']='ṭ' , ['ఠ']='ṭh' , ['డ']='ḍ' , ['ఢ']='ḍh' , ['ణ']='ṇ' , ['త']='t' , ['థ']='th' , ['ద']='d' , ['ధ']='dh' , ['న']='n' , ['ప']='p' , ['ఫ']='ph' , ['బ']='b' , ['భ']='bh' , ['మ']='...")
- 10:44, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:Guru-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local conv = { --consonants without nukta ["ਸ"] = "s", ["ਹ"] = "h", ["ਕ"] = "k", ["ਖ"] = "kh", ["ਗ"] = "g", ["ਘ"] = "gh", ["ਙ"] = "ṅ", ["ਚ"] = "c", ["ਛ"] = "ch", ["ਜ"] = "j", ["ਝ"] = "jh", ["ਞ"] = "ñ", ["ਟ"] = "ṭ", ["ਠ"] = "ṭh", ["ਡ"] = "ḍ", ["ਢ"] = "ḍh", ["ਣ"] = "ṇ", ["ਤ"] = "t", ["ਥ"] = "th", ["ਦ"] = "d", ["ਧ"] = "dh", ["ਨ"] = "n",...")
- 10:42, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:myv-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local tab = { ["А"]="A", ["Б"]="B", ["В"]="V", ["Г"]="G", ["Д"]="D", ["Е"]="E", ["Ё"]="O", ["Ж"]="Ž", ["З"]="Z", ["И"]="I", ["Й"]="J", ["К"]="K", ["Л"]="L", ["М"]="M", ["Н"]="N", ["О"]="O", ["П"]="P", ["Р"]="R", ["С"]="S", ["Т"]="T", ["У"]="U", ["Ф"]="F", ["Х"]="H", ["Ц"]="C", ["Ч"]="Č", ["Ш"]="Š", ["Щ"]="Šč", ["Ъ"]="", ["Ы"]="I", ["Ь"]="ʹ", ["Э"]="E", ["Ю...")
- 10:41, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:Cher-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local tt = { ["Ꭰ"]="a", ["ꭰ"]="a", ["Ꭱ"]="e", ["ꭱ"]="e", ["Ꭲ"]="i", ["ꭲ"]="i", ["Ꭳ"]="o", ["ꭳ"]="o", ["Ꭴ"]="u", ["ꭴ"]="u", ["Ꭵ"]="v", ["ꭵ"]="v", ["Ꭶ"]="ga", ["ꭶ"]="ga", ["Ꭷ"]="ka", ["ꭷ"]="ka", ["Ꭸ"]="ge", ["ꭸ"]="ge", ["Ꭹ"]="gi", ["ꭹ"]="gi", ["Ꭺ"]="go", ["ꭺ"]="go", ["Ꭻ"]="gu", ["ꭻ"]="gu", ["Ꭼ"]="gv", ["ꭼ"]="gv", ["Ꭽ"]="ha", [...")
- 10:39, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:as-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "-- Transliteration for Assamese local export = {} local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub local match = mw.ustring.match local conv = { -- consonants ["ক্ষ"] = "kh", ["ক"] = "k", ["খ"] = "kh", ["গ"] = "g", ["ঘ"] = "gh", ["ঙ"] = "ṅ", ["চ"] = "s", ["ছ"] = "s", ["জ"] = "z", ["ঝ"] = "zh", ["ঞ"] = "ñ", ["ট"] = "t", ["ঠ"] = "th", ["ড"] = "d", ["ঢ"] = "dh", ["ণ"] = "n", ["ত"] = "t", [...")
- 10:38, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:vi-sortkey (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local u = mw.ustring.char local a, b = u(0xF000), u(0xF001) local diacritics = { --[===[--Order given by Stephen G. Brown [u(0x0301)] = c, -- acute [u(0x0300)] = d, -- grave [u(0x0309)] = e, -- hook [u(0x0303)] = f, -- tilde [u(0x0323)] = g -- dot above]===] -- Order given by Fumiko Take [u(0x0300)] = "!", -- grave [u(0x0309)] = "#", -- hook [u(0x0303)] = "$", -- tilde [u(0x0301)] = "...")
- 10:36, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:ml-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local consonants = { ['ക']='k', ['ഖ']='kh', ['ഗ']='g', ['ഘ']='gh', ['ങ']='ṅ', ['ച']='c', ['ഛ']='ch', ['ജ']='j', ['ഝ']='jh', ['ഞ']='ñ', ['ട']='ṭ', ['ഠ']='ṭh', ['ഡ']='ḍ', ['ഢ']='ḍh', ['ണ']='ṇ', ['ത']='t', ['ഥ']='th', ['ദ']='d', ['ധ']='dh', ['ന']='n', ['പ']='p', ['ഫ']='f', ['ബ']='b', ['ഭ']='bh', ['മ']='m', ['യ']='y', ['ര'...")
- 10:35, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:gu-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub local match = mw.ustring.match local conv = { -- consonants ['ક'] = 'k', ['ખ'] = 'kh', ['ગ'] = 'g', ['ઘ'] = 'gh', ['ઙ'] = 'ṅ', ['ચ'] = 'c', ['છ'] = 'ch', ['જ'] = 'j', ['ઝ'] = 'jh', ['ઞ'] = 'ñ', ['ટ'] = 'ṭ', ['ઠ'] = 'ṭh', ['ડ'] = 'ḍ', ['ઢ'] = 'ḍh', ['ણ'] = 'ṇ', ['ત'] = 't', ['થ'] = 'th', ['દ'] = 'd', ['ધ'] = 'd...")
- 10:30, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:ug-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local data = {} data["ug-Arab"] = { -- consonants ["م"] = "m", ["ن"] = "n", ["د"] = "d", ["ت"] = "t", ["ب"] = "b", ["پ"] = "p", ["ف"] = "f", ["ق"] = "q", ["ك"] = "k", ["ڭ"] = "ng", ["گ"] = "g", ["غ"] = "gh", ["ھ"] = "h", ["خ"] = "x", ["چ"] = "ch", ["ج"] = "j", ["ژ"] = "zh", ["ز"] = "z", ["س"] = "s", ["ش"] = "sh", ["ر"] = "r", ["ل"] = "l", ["ئ"] = "'",...")
- 10:29, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:tt-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local tt = { ["ү"]="ü",['Ү']='Ü', ["т"]="t",['Т']='T', ["р"]="r",['Р']='R', ["ф"]="f",['Ф']='F', ["ю"]="yu",['Ю']='Yu', ["ш"]="ş",['Ш']='Ş', ["ь"]="’",['Ь']='’', ["ъ"]="ʺ",['Ъ']='ʺ', ["н"]="n",['Н']='N', ["п"]="p",['П']='P', ["й"]="y",['Й']='Y', ["л"]="l",['Л']='L', ["з"]="z",['З']='Z', ["е"]="e",['Е']='E', ["г"]="g",['Г']='G', ["б"]="b",...")
- 10:28, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:Copt-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local chars = { ["Ⲁ"] = "A", ["ⲁ"] = "a", ["Ⲃ"] = "B", ["ⲃ"] = "b", ["Ⲅ"] = "G", ["ⲅ"] = "g", ["Ⲇ"] = "D", ["ⲇ"] = "d", ["Ⲉ"] = "E", ["ⲉ"] = "e", ["Ⲍ"] = "Z", ["ⲍ"] = "z", ["Ⲏ"] = "Ē", ["ⲏ"] = "ē", ["Ⲑ"] = "Th", ["ⲑ"] = "th", ["Ⲓ"] = "I", ["ⲓ"] = "i", ["Ⲕ"] = "K", ["ⲕ"] = "k", ["Ⲗ"] = "L", ["ⲗ"] = "l", ["Ⲙ"] = "M", ["ⲙ"] = "m", ["Ⲛ"...")
- 10:26, 13 ဢေႇပရႄႇ 2023 2601:18e:c081:2ff0:f1aa:af1:b937:a6d3 ဢုပ်ႇ ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈဝႆႉ ၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ မေႃႇၵျူး:ba-translit (ၵေႃႇသၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈဝႆႉ တင်း "local export = {} local tt = { ["ү"]="ü", ['Ү']='Ü', ["т"]="t", ['Т']='T', ["р"]="r", ['Р']='R', ["ф"]="f", ['Ф']='F', ["ө"]="ö", ['Ө']='Ö', ["ю"]="yu", ['Ю']='Yu', ["ш"]="ş", ['Ш']='Ş', ["ь"]="’", ['Ь']='’', ["ъ"]="ʺ", ['Ъ']='ʺ', ["н"]="n", ['Н']='N', ["п"]="p", ['П']='P', ["й"]="y", ['Й']='Y', ["л"]="l", ['Л']='L', ["з"]="z", ['З']='Z', ["е"]="e...")