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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝိၵ်ႇသျိၼ်ႇၼရီႇ မႃး

Documentation for this module may be created at မေႃႇၵျူး:IPA/data/X-SAMPA/doc

local U = require("Module:string/char")
local gmatch = mw.ustring.gmatch

local data = {
	-- not in official X-SAMPA; from http://www.kneequickie.com/kq/Z-SAMPA
	["b\\"] = { "ⱱ" },
	["b_<"] = { "ɓ" },
	["d`"] = { "ɖ", has_descender = true },
	["d_<"] = { "ɗ" },
	-- not in official X-SAMPA; Wikipedia-specific
	["d`_<"] = { "ᶑ", has_descender = true },
	["g"] = { "ɡ", has_descender = true  },
	["g_<"] = { "ɠ", has_descender = true },
	["h\\"] = { "ɦ" },
	["j\\"] = { "ʝ", has_descender = true  },
	["l`"] = { "ɭ", has_descender = true  },
	["l\\"] = { "ɺ" },
	["n`"] = { "ɳ", has_descender = true  },
	["p\\"] = { "ɸ", has_descender = true  },
	["r`"] = { "ɽ", has_descender = true  },
	["r\\"] = { "ɹ" },
	["r\\`"] = { "ɻ", has_descender = true  },
	["s`"] = { "ʂ", has_descender = true  },
	["s\\"] = { "ɕ" },
	["t`"] = { "ʈ" },
	["v\\"] = { "ʋ" },
	["x\\"] = { "ɧ", has_descender = true  },
	["z`"] = { "ʐ", has_descender = true  },
	["z\\"] = { "ʑ" },
	["A"] = { "ɑ" },
	["B"] = { "β", has_descender = true  },
	["B\\"] = { "ʙ" },
	["C"] = { "ç", has_descender = true  },
	["D"] = { "ð" },
	["E"] = { "ɛ" },
	["F"] = { "ɱ", has_descender = true  },
	["G"] = { "ɣ", has_descender = true  },
	["G\\"] = { "ɢ" },
	["G\\_<"] = { "ʛ" },
	["H"] = { "ɥ", has_descender = true  },
	["H\\"] = { "ʜ" },
	["I"] = { "ɪ" },
	["I\\"] = { "ɪ̈" },
	["J"] = { "ɲ", has_descender = true  },
	["J\\"] = { "ɟ" },
	["J\\_<"] = { "ʄ", has_descender = true  },
	["K"] = { "ɬ" },
	["K\\"] = { "ɮ", has_descender = true  },
	["L"] = { "ʎ" },
	["L\\"] = { "ʟ" },
	["M"] = { "ɯ" },
	["M\\"] = { "ɰ", has_descender = true  },
	["N"] = { "ŋ", has_descender = true  },
	["N\\"] = { "ɴ" },
	["O"] = { "ɔ" },
	["O\\"] = { "ʘ" },
	["P"] = { "ʋ" },
	["Q"] = { "ɒ" },
	["R"] = { "ʁ" },
	["R\\"] = { "ʀ" },
	["S"] = { "ʃ", has_descender = true  },
	["T"] = { "θ" },
	["U"] = { "ʊ" },
	["U\\"] = { "ʊ̈" },
	["V"] = { "ʌ" },
	["W"] = { "ʍ" },
	["X"] = { "χ", has_descender = true  },
	["X\\"] = { "ħ" },
	["Y"] = { "ʏ" },
	["Z"] = { "ʒ", has_descender = true  },
	["\""] = { "ˈ" },
	["%"] = { "ˌ" },
	-- not in official X-SAMPA; from http://www.kneequickie.com/kq/Z-SAMPA
	["%\\"] = { "ᴙ" }, 
	["'"] = { "ʲ", is_diacritic = true },
	[":"] = { "ː", is_diacritic = true },
	[":\\"] = { "ˑ", is_diacritic = true },
	["@"] = { "ə" },
	["@`"] = { "ɚ" },
	["@\\"] = { "ɘ" },
	["{"] = { "æ" },
	["}"] = { "ʉ" },
	["1"] = { "ɨ" },
	["2"] = { "ø" },
	["3"] = { "ɜ" },
	["3`"] = { "ɝ" },
	["3\\"] = { "ɞ" },
	["4"] = { "ɾ" },
	["5"] = { "ɫ" },
	["6"] = { "ɐ" },
	["7"] = { "ɤ" },
	["8"] = { "ɵ" },
	["9"] = { "œ" },
	["&"] = { "ɶ" },
	["?"] = { "ʔ" },
	["?\\"] = { "ʕ" },
	["<\\"] = { "ʢ" },
	[">\\"] = { "ʡ" },
	["^"] = { "ꜛ" },
	["!"] = { "ꜜ" },
	-- not in official X-SAMPA
	["!!"] = { "‼" }, 
	["!\\"] = { "ǃ" },
	["|\\"] = { "ǀ", has_descender = true  },
	["||"] = { "‖", has_descender = true  },
	["|\\|\\"] = { "ǁ", has_descender = true  },
	["=\\"] = { "ǂ", has_descender = true  },
	-- linking mark, liaison
	["-\\"] = { "‿", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- coarticulated; not in official X-SAMPA
	["__"] = { U(0x361) }, 
	-- fortis, strong articulation; not in official X-SAMPA
	["_:"] = { U(0x348) }, 
	["_\""] = { U(0x308), is_diacritic = true },
	-- advanced
	["_+"] = { U(0x31F), with_descender = "˖", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- retracted
	["_-"] = { U(0x320), with_descender = "˗", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- rising tone
	["_/"] = { U(0x30C), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- voiceless
	["_0"] = { U(0x325), with_descender = U(0x30A), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- syllabic
	["="] = { U(0x329), with_descender = U(0x30D), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- syllabic
	["_="] = { U(0x329), with_descender = U(0x30D), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- strident: not in official X-SAMPA; from http://www.kneequickie.com/kq/Z-SAMPA
	["_%\\"] = { U(0x1DFD) }, 
	-- ejective
	["_>"] = { "ʼ", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- pharyngealized
	["_?\\"] = { "ˤ", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- falling tone
	["_\\"] = { U(0x302), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- non-syllabic
	["_^"] = { U(0x32F), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- no audible release
	["_}"] = { U(0x31A), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- r-coloring (colouring), rhotacization
	["`"] = { U(0x2DE), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- nasalization
	["~"] = { U(0x303), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- advanced tongue root
	["_A"] = { U(0x318), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- apical
	["_a"] = { U(0x33A), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- extra-low tone
	["_B"] = { U(0x30F), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- low rising tone
	["_B_L"] = { U(0x1DC5), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- less rounded
	["_c"] = { U(0x31C), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- dental
	["_d"] = { U(0x32A), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- velarized or pharyngealized (dark)
	["_e"] = { U(0x334), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- downstep
	["<F>"] = { "↘" }, 
	-- falling tone
	["_F"] = { U(0x302), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- velarized
	["_G"] = { "ˠ", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- high tone
	["_H"] = { U(0x301), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- high rising tone
	["_H_T"] = { U(0x1DC4), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- aspiration
	["_h"] = { "ʰ", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- voiced aspiration (= breathy voice)
	["_h\\"] = { "ʱ", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- palatalization
	["_j"] = { "ʲ", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- creaky voice, laryngealization, vocal fry
	["_k"] = { U(0x330), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- low tone
	["_L"] = { U(0x300), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- lateral release
	["_l"] = { "ˡ", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- mid tone
	["_M"] = { U(0x304), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- laminal
	["_m"] = { U(0x33B), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- linguolabial
	["_N"] = { U(0x33C), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- nasal release
	["_n"] = { "ⁿ", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- more rounded
	["_O"] = { U(0x339), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- lowered
	["_o"] = { U(0x31E), with_descender = "˕", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- retracted tongue root
	["_q"] = { U(0x319), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- global rise
	["<R>"] = { "↗" }, 
	-- rising tone
	["_R"] = { U(0x30C), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- rising falling tone
	["_R_F"] = { U(0x1DC8), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- raised
	["_r"] = { U(0x31D), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- extra-high tone
	["_T"] = { U(0x30B), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- breathy voice, murmured voice, murmur, whispery voice
	["_t"] = { U(0x324), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- voiced
	["_v"] = { U(0x32C), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- labialized
	["_w"] = { "ʷ", is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- extra-short
	["_X"] = { U(0x306), is_diacritic = true }, 
	-- mid-centralized
	["_x"] = { U(0x33D), is_diacritic = true }, 
	["__T"] = { "˥" },
	["__H"] = { "˦" },
	["__M"] = { "˧" },
	["__L"] = { "˨" },
	["__B"] = { "˩" },
	-- not X-SAMPA; for convenience
	["0"] = { "◌" },	-- dotted circle

local identical = "acehklmnorstuvwxz"
for char in gmatch(identical, ".") do
	data[char] = { char }

local identical_with_descender = "jpqy"
for char in gmatch(identical_with_descender, ".") do
	data[char] = { char, has_descender = true }

return data