local export = {}
local find = mw.ustring.find
--[=[ This function checks for things that could plausibly be a language code: two or three lowercase letters, two or three groups of three lowercase letters with hyphens between them. If such a pattern is not found, it is likely the editor simply forgot to enter a language code. ]=]
function export.err(langCode, param, text) local ordinals = { "first", "second", "third", "fourth" }
local paramType = type(param) if paramType == "number" then ordinal = ordinals[param] param = ordinal .. ' parameter' elseif paramType == "string" then param = 'parameter "' .. param .. '"' else error("The parameter name is " .. (paramType == "table" and "a table" or tostring(param)) .. ", but it should be a number or a string.") end
--[[ Can't use "%l" because that would include all Unicode lowercase letters; language codes only use ASCII. | Can't use "%l" because that would include all Unicode lowercase letters; language codes only use ASCII. ]] local lower = "[a-z]"
if not langCode or langCode == "" then error("The " .. param .. " (" .. (text or "language code") .. ") is missing.", 2) elseif find(langCode, "^" .. lower .. lower .. lower .. "?$") or find(langCode, "^" .. lower .. lower .. lower .. "%-" .. lower .. lower .. lower .. "$") or find(langCode, "^" .. lower .. lower .. lower .. "%-" .. lower .. lower .. lower .. "%-" .. lower .. lower .. lower .. "$") then error("The language code \"" .. langCode .. "\" is not valid.", 2) else error("Please enter a " .. (text or "language code") .. " in the " .. param .. ".", 2) end end
local Language = {}
function Language:getCode() return self._code end
function Language:getCanonicalName()
return self._rawData.canonicalName
function Language:getOtherNames()
return self._rawData.otherNames or {}
function Language:getType()
return self._rawData.type or "regular"
function Language:getWikimediaLanguages()
if not self._wikimediaLanguageObjects then
local m_wikimedia_languages = require("Module:wikimedia languages")
self._wikimediaLanguageObjects = {}
local wikimedia_codes = self._rawData.wikimedia_codes or { self._code }
for _, wlangcode in ipairs(wikimedia_codes) do table.insert(self._wikimediaLanguageObjects, m_wikimedia_languages.getByCode(wlangcode)) end end
return self._wikimediaLanguageObjects end
function Language:getWikipediaArticle()
return self._rawData.wikipedia_article or mw.ustring.gsub(self:getCategoryName(), "Creole language", "Creole")
function Language:makeWikipediaLink() return "" .. self:getCanonicalName() .. "" end
function Language:getScripts()
if not self._scriptObjects then
local m_scripts = require("Module:scripts")
self._scriptObjects = {}
for _, sc in ipairs(self._rawData.scripts or { "None" }) do table.insert(self._scriptObjects, m_scripts.getByCode(sc)) end end
return self._scriptObjects end
function Language:getScriptCodes() return self._rawData.scripts or { "None" } end
function Language:getFamily() if self._rawData.family and not self._familyObject then self._familyObject = require("Module:families").getByCode(self._rawData.family) end
return self._familyObject end
function Language:getAncestors()
if not self._ancestorObjects then
self._ancestorObjects = {}
if self._rawData.ancestors then for _, ancestor in ipairs(self._rawData.ancestors) do table.insert(self._ancestorObjects, export.getByCode(ancestor) or require("Module:etymology languages").getByCode(ancestor)) end else local fam = self:getFamily() local protoLang = fam and fam:getProtoLanguage() or nil
-- For the case where the current language is the proto-language -- of its family, we need to step up a level higher right from the start. if protoLang and protoLang:getCode() == self:getCode() then fam = fam:getFamily() protoLang = fam and fam:getProtoLanguage() or nil end
while not protoLang and not (not fam or fam:getCode() == "qfa-not") do fam = fam:getFamily() protoLang = fam and fam:getProtoLanguage() or nil end
table.insert(self._ancestorObjects, protoLang) end end
return self._ancestorObjects end
local function iterateOverAncestorTree(node, func) for _, ancestor in ipairs(node:getAncestors()) do if ancestor then local ret = func(ancestor) or iterateOverAncestorTree(ancestor, func) if ret then return ret end end end end
function Language:getAncestorChain() if not self._ancestorChain then self._ancestorChain = {} local step = #self:getAncestors() == 1 and self:getAncestors()[1] or nil
while step do table.insert(self._ancestorChain, 1, step) step = #step:getAncestors() == 1 and step:getAncestors()[1] or nil end end
return self._ancestorChain end
function Language:hasAncestor(otherlang)
local function compare(ancestor)
return ancestor:getCode() == otherlang:getCode()
return iterateOverAncestorTree(self, compare) or false end
function Language:getCategoryName()
local name = self._rawData.canonicalName
-- If the name already has "language" in it, don't add it. if name:find("[Ll]anguage$") then return name else return name .. "ၽႃႇသႃႇၵႂၢမ်း" end end
function Language:getStandardCharacters()
return self._rawData.standardChars
function Language:makeEntryName(text)
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "^[¿¡]", "")
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "(.)[؟?!;՛՜ ՞ ՟?!︖︕।॥။၊་།]$", "%1")
if self:getCode() == "ar" then local U = mw.ustring.char local taTwiil = U(0x640) local waSla = U(0x671) -- diacritics ordinarily removed by entry_name replacements local Arabic_diacritics = U(0x64B, 0x64C, 0x64D, 0x64E, 0x64F, 0x650, 0x651, 0x652, 0x670)
if text == waSla or mw.ustring.find(text, "^" .. taTwiil .. "?[" .. Arabic_diacritics .. "]" .. "$") then return text end end
if type(self._rawData.entry_name) == "table" then for i, from in ipairs(self._rawData.entry_name.from) do local to = self._rawData.entry_name.to[i] or "" text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, from, to) end end
--[=[ For instance, ᾰ (alpha-breve) + combining smooth breathing is converted to alpha + combining smooth breathing by the entry_name replacements. It must be re-combined to alpha-smooth breathing (ἀ) so that allowSelfLink in မေႃႇၵျူး:links will work properly. ]=] if self:getCode() == "grc" then text = mw.ustring.toNFC(text) end
return text end
-- Add to data tables?
local has_dotted_undotted_i = {
["az"] = true,
["crh"] = true,
["gag"] = true,
["kaa"] = true,
["tt"] = true,
["tr"] = true,
["zza"] = true,
function Language:makeSortKey(name, sc) if has_dotted_undotted_i[self:getCode()] then name = mw.ustring.gsub(name, "I", "ı") end
name = mw.ustring.lower(name)
-- Remove initial hyphens and * local hyphens_regex = "^[-־ـ*]+(.)" name = mw.ustring.gsub(name, hyphens_regex, "%1")
-- Remove parentheses, as long as they are either preceded or followed by something name = mw.ustring.gsub(name, "(.)[()]+", "%1") name = mw.ustring.gsub(name, "[()]+(.)", "%1")
-- If there are language-specific rules to generate the key, use those if type(self._rawData.sort_key) == "table" then for i, from in ipairs(self._rawData.sort_key.from) do local to = self._rawData.sort_key.to[i] or "" name = mw.ustring.gsub(name, from, to) end elseif type(self._rawData.sort_key) == "string" then name = require("Module:" .. self._rawData.sort_key).makeSortKey(name, self:getCode(), sc and sc:getCode()) end
if has_dotted_undotted_i[self:getCode()] then name = mw.ustring.gsub(name, "i", "İ") end
return mw.ustring.upper(name) end
function Language:overrideManualTranslit() if self._rawData.override_translit then return true else return false end end
function Language:transliterate(text, sc, module_override)
if not ((module_override or self._rawData.translit_module) and text) then
return nil
if module_override then require("Module:debug").track("module_override") end
return require("Module:" .. (module_override or self._rawData.translit_module)).tr(text, self:getCode(), sc and sc:getCode() or nil) end
function Language:hasTranslit() return self._rawData.translit_module and true or false end
function Language:link_tr()
return self._rawData.link_tr and true or false
function Language:toJSON()
local entryNamePatterns = nil
if self._rawData.entry_name then entryNamePatterns = {}
for i, from in ipairs(self._rawData.entry_name.from) do local to = self._rawData.entry_name.to[i] or "" table.insert(entryNamePatterns, { from = from, to = to }) end end
local ret = { ancestors = self._rawData.ancestors, canonicalName = self:getCanonicalName(), categoryName = self:getCategoryName(), code = self._code, entryNamePatterns = entryNamePatterns, family = self._rawData.family, otherNames = self:getOtherNames(), scripts = self._rawData.scripts, type = self:getType(), wikimediaLanguages = self._rawData.wikimedia_codes, }
return require("Module:JSON").toJSON(ret) end
-- Do NOT use this method!
-- All uses should be pre-approved on the talk page!
function Language:getRawData()
return self._rawData
Language.__index = Language
function export.getDataModuleName(code)
if code:find("^[a-z][a-z]$") then
return "languages/data2"
elseif code:find("^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$") then
local prefix = code:sub(1, 1)
return "languages/data3/" .. prefix
elseif code:find("^[a-z-]+$") then
return "languages/datax"
return nil
local function getRawLanguageData(code)
local modulename = export.getDataModuleName(code)
return modulename and mw.loadData("Module:" .. modulename)[code] or nil
function export.makeObject(code, data)
if data and data.deprecated then
require("Module:debug").track {
"languages/deprecated/" .. code
return data and setmetatable({ _rawData = data, _code = code }, Language) or nil end
function export.getByCode(code)
if type(code) ~= "string" then
error("The function getByCode expects a string as its first argument, but received " .. (code == nil and "nil" or "a " .. type(code)) .. ".")
return export.makeObject(code, getRawLanguageData(code)) end
function export.getByName(name)
local byName = mw.loadData("Module:languages/by name")
local code = byName.all and byName.all[name] or byName[name]
if not code then return nil end
return export.makeObject(code, getRawLanguageData(code)) end
function export.getByCanonicalName(name)
local byName = mw.loadData("Module:languages/canonical names")
local code = byName and byName[name]
if not code then return nil end
return export.makeObject(code, getRawLanguageData(code)) end
function export.iterateAll()
local m_data = mw.loadData("Module:languages/alldata")
local func, t, var = pairs(m_data)
return function() local code, data = func(t, var) return export.makeObject(code, data) end end
return export