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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝိၵ်ႇသျိၼ်ႇၼရီႇ မႃး

မၢႆတွင်း: ဝၢႆးသေသိမ်းပၼ်ယဝ်ႉ၊ တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇ တေႁၼ်လႆႈ လွင်ႈလႅၵ်ႈလၢႆႈၼၼ်ႉ ၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇတေၸၢင်ႈလႆႈလတ်းၶၢမ်ႈ ၶႅတ်ႉၶျ် တူဝ်ပိုတ်ႇဝႅပ်ႉၸဝ်ႈၵဝ်ႇယဝ်ႉ။

  • ၽွင်းမိူဝ်ႈတိုၵ်ႉၼဵၵ်း Reload တီႈ Firefox / Safari: ၼၼ်ႉ ၼဵၵ်းဝႆႉပႃး Shift ၊ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် ၼဵၵ်းပၼ် Ctrl-F5 ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် Ctrl-R (တီႈၼႂ်း Mac ၼႆ ၼဵၵ်းပၼ်⌘-R)
  • တီႈၼႂ်း Google Chrome: ၼဵၵ်းပၼ် Ctrl-Shift-R (တီႈၼႂ်း Mac ၼႆႉ ၼဵၵ်းပၼ်⌘-Shift-R )
  • ၽွင်းမိူဝ်ႈ တိုၵ်ႉၼဵၵ်း Refreshတီႈ Internet Explorer/ Edge: ၼဵၵ်းဝႆႉပၼ် Ctrl ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် ၼဵၵ်းပၼ် Ctrl-F5
  • တီႈၼႂ်း Opera: ၵႂႃႇၸူးတီႈ Menu → Settings (ပေႃးပဵၼ်တီႈၼႂ်း Mac ၸိုင် Opera → Preferences ) သေ သိုပ်ႇၵႂႃႇ Privacy & security → Clear browsing data → Cached images and files ၼၼ်ႉလႄႈ။
/*jshint undef:true, latedef:true */
/*global mw, jQuery */

jQuery(function CodeLinksIIFE() {
'use strict';

// by John Gruber, from https://daringfireball.net/2010/07/improved_regex_for_matching_urls
var URLRegExp = /\b((?:https?:\/\/|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/i;

function processComment(node) {
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		textNode = node.firstChild; // always a text node.
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		node.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(beforeLink), link);
		// ensure all matches are null at beginning of loop body; is this necessary?
		wikilinkMatch = templateMatch = URLMatch = null;

function each(coll, walk) {
	return Array.prototype.forEach.call(coll, walk);

var commentClasses = [ 'c', 'c1', 'cm' ];
each(document.getElementsByClassName('mw-highlight'), function (codeBlock) {
	each(commentClasses, function (commentClass) {
		each(codeBlock.getElementsByClassName(commentClass), processComment);

// Link module names after `require` and `mw.loadData`, and tracking template
// names after `require("Module:debug").track`.
var copyArray = Array.from ? Array.from.bind(Array) :
	function copyArray(array) {
		return Array.prototype.slice.call(array);

var classes = {
	identifier: "n", functionName: "nb",
	singleQuoteString: "s1", doubleQuoteString: "s2",

var trackingTemplateElements = [], moduleNames = [], dataModuleNames = [];

var functionNames = document.getElementsByClassName(classes.functionName);

Array.prototype.forEach.call(functionNames, function (functionName) {
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	|| classList.contains(classes.doubleQuoteString)))
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	if (hasParenthesis && nextText && nextText[0] !== ")")
	if (hasParenthesis ? nextText === ")." : nextText === "."
	&& (/^["']mod(?:ule)?:(.+)["']$/i.exec(stringValue) || [])[1] === "debug") {
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		if (!(classList.contains(classes.singleQuoteString)
		|| classList.contains(classes.doubleQuoteString)))
		nextText = next && next.firstChild && next.firstChild.nodeValue;
		if (!nextText)
		// If there was a parenthesis on one side – `track("...")` rather than
		// `track "..."` – make sure there's a matching parenthesis on the other side.
		if (trackWithParenthesis) {
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			var afterText = after && after.firstChild && after.firstChild.nodeValue;
			if (afterText !== ")")

var strings = copyArray(document.getElementsByClassName(classes.singleQuoteString))

Array.prototype.forEach.call(strings, function (string) {
	if (moduleNames.indexOf(string) !== -1 || trackingTemplateElements.indexOf(string) !== -1)
	var stringValue = string.firstChild.nodeValue;
	if (!/^["'](?:module|mod):/i.test(stringValue))
	var prev = string.previousElementSibling;
	var prevText = prev && prev.firstChild && prev.firstChild.nodeValue;
	if (prevText === "(") {
		var next = string.nextElementSibling;
		var nextText = next && next.firstChild && next.firstChild.nodeValue;
		if (!(nextText && nextText[0] === ")"))
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		prevText = prev && prev.firstChild && prev.firstChild.nodeValue;
	if (prevText !== "loadData")
	prev = prev.previousElementSibling;
	prevText = prev && prev.firstChild && prev.firstChild.nodeValue;
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	prevText = prev && prev.firstChild && prev.firstChild.nodeValue;
	if (prevText !== "mw")

if (moduleNames.length > 0 || trackingTemplateElements.length > 0
|| dataModuleNames.length > 0) {
	mw.loader.using("mediawiki.util").done(function () {
		function addLink(element, page) {
			if (!(element instanceof Element))
				throw new TypeError("Expected Element object");
			var link = document.createElement("a");
			link.href = mw.util.getUrl(page);
			// put text node from element inside link
			var firstChild = element.firstChild;
			if (!(firstChild instanceof Text))
				throw new TypeError("Expected Text object");
			element.appendChild(link); // put link inside syntax-highlighted string
		// Link module names to module pages, or to the section in the Scribunto
		// manual.
		moduleNames.concat(dataModuleNames).forEach(function (module) {
			var link = document.createElement("a");
			var stringValue = module.firstChild.nodeValue;
			var moduleName = stringValue.substring(1, stringValue.length - 1);
			var linkPage = /^mod(?:ule)?:/i.test(moduleName)
				? moduleName
				: "mw:Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#" + moduleName;
			addLink(module, linkPage);
		// Link tracking templates to [[Special:WhatLinksHere]].
		trackingTemplateElements.forEach(function (trackingTemplate) {
			var text = trackingTemplate.firstChild && trackingTemplate.firstChild.nodeValue;
			if (!text)
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			addLink(trackingTemplate, "Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:tracking/" + trackingCode);
